Глава 7

Глава 7

1. Campbell, T.C. and Junshi, C., 1994. Diet and chronic degenerative disease perspectives from China. Am. J Clin. Nutr, 59, Suppl., 11 535-11 615.

2. Packham, D.E., 1999. Impacts of Commercialisation and Privatisation on Capabilities for Scientific Advice, Oracles or Scapegoats? IPMS Conference notes. October.

3. Packham, D.E., 1999. Impacts of Commercialisation and Privatisation on Capabilities for Scientific Advice, Oracles or Scapegoats? IPMS Conference notes, October.

4. Association of University Teachers. Efficiency Gains or Quality Losses? 1996 (Based on DfEE and Welsh Office figures).

5. Bok, D., 1990. In: Universities and the Future of America, Duke University Press, Durham NC.

6. Glantz, S.A., 1996. Times Higher Education Supplement, 6 September, p. 15. and Glantz, S.A.,Slade, J., Bero, L.A., Hanauer, P. and Barnes, D.E., 1996. The Cigarette Papers, University of California Press.

7. Packham, D.E., 1999. Impacts of Commercialisation and Privatisation on Capabilities for Scientific Advice, Oracles or Scapegoats? IPMS Conference notes, October. See also: Packham, David and Tasker, Mary, 1997. Industry and the academy – a Faustian contract. Industry and Higher Education, April, 85–90.

8. Packham, D.E., 1999. Impacts of Commercialisation and Privatisation on Capabilities for Scientific Advice, Oracles or Scapegoats? IPMS Conference notes, October. See also: Packham,

David and Tasker, Mary, 1997. Industry and the academy– a Faustian contract. Industry and Higher Education, April, 85–90.

9. Jasanoff, S., 1997. Civilization and madness: the great BSE scare of 1996. Public Understand. Sei. 6, 221–232.

10. McMichael, A.J. and Powles, J.W, 1999. Human numbers, environment, sustainability and health. British Medical Journal, 319, 9 October, 977–980.