Глава 7. Ваш телохранитель

Глава 7. Ваш телохранитель

Algra, A., et al. 2012. Effects of regular aspirin on long-term cancer incidence and metastasis: A systematic comparison of evidence from observational studies versus randomised trials. Lancet Oncology 13(5): 518-27.

Arthur, J., et al. 2003. Selenium in the immune system. Journal of Nutrition 133(5): 14575-595.

Bennett, M. P., et al. 2003. The effect of mirthful laughter on stress and natural killer cell activity. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine 9(2): 38-45.

Choi, M. 2009. The not-so-sweet side of fructose. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 20(3): 457-59.

Cole, S., et al. 2008. Sleep loss activates cellular inflammatory signaling. Biological Psychiatry 64(6): 538-40.

Edlund, M. 2012. Getting healthy now. Regenerating yourself – using the right information. Psychology Today (May 17). http://www.psychologytoday .com/blog/getting-healthy-now/201205/regenerating-yourself-using-the -right-information?page=2.

Geisler, C., et al. 2010. Vitamin D controls T cell antigen receptor signaling and activation of human T cells. Nature Immunology 11: 344-49.

Johnson, R., et al. 2010. The Effect of Fructose on Renal Biology and Disease. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 21(12): 2036-39.

Miller, M., and W. Fry, 2009. The effect of mirthful laughter on the human cardiovascular system. Medical Hypotheses 73(5): 636.

Miller, M., et al. 2009. University of Maryland School of Medicine study shows laughter helps blood vessels function better.

Office of Dietary Supplements: National Institutes of Health. Dietary supplement fact sheet: Selenium. http://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Selenium-Health Professional/.

Sugawara J., et al. 2010. Effect of mirthful laughter on vascular function. American Journal of Cardiology 106(6): 856-59.

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